Consulting 101 – Land and Expand

Land and Expand

A common sales tactic used by consulting firms is where the project team or the group continues to drive new work and opportunity. This is called land and expand. This method of growth is the lifeblood of all successful firms as it costs more and takes far longer to get a new client through the door than it does to continue work or expand work for an existing client. As you work, be sure to keep an eye and ear out for new needs. The ability to identify new opportunities is usually not very difficult.  Most of it will organically fall on your lap as the client requests new items to add to existing requirements or as unknown tasks are discovered once the work begins. Be sure to work with your project manager to track and catalog these items as they come up. The client may try to force your hand into knocking some of these out in your current scope of work, but be sure to properly weigh the benefits of these and see if any fall into the category of quick wins, as previously mentioned, or if they can be positioned as future work.

Usually, your project work with one business unit will begin to open up connections and needs in other parts of the business. Projects in accounting may begin to intersect with operations. Operations may uncover gaps in the technical systems. Growing projects horizontally across the organization will allow you to grow a stronger foothold at the client. Different business units will often carry their own budgets which means there is more money on the table for your firm to win. Winning revenue for your firm is one of the best ways to get noticed and promoted!

Are you interested in starting a career in consulting? Be sure do read the full book Jack of all Trades Master of Some; An Introduction to Consulting available on Amazon.




