Connect to Azure SQL using Active Directory and Grant Access outside Organization

Learn how to Connect to Azure SQL using Active Directory and Grant Access outside users outside of your Organization. This comes in handy when you have a user that sits outside of your organization and they need to log into a SQL environment you have provisioned for them. They will need to be invited as a guest user and then the appropriate access setup so they can login with out needed a hard coded SQL authentication login which creates risk.

1. Allowing Active Directory to Authenticate to SQL Server

  • Navigate to your server and Click on “Not Configured” for Active Directory admin inside the Server you are interested in allowing AD access to.
  • Set Admin and set your Azure Portal account as admin.
  • Leave the check box for Azure Active Directoy authentication only set to unchecked. This way you can continue to use defined crecentianls when needed.
  • Be sure to click Save to save changes.
  • Head back to SSMS and log in using Azure Active Directory – Universal with MFA or use the correct setting approved by your administrator.

2. Invite User to Your Organization

  • Add a new Guest User from the User section in your Azure Portal
  • User will get an email to activate their account

3. Adding a External AD user to your Database

  • Create a new Query window and run the following commands. and edit the user name and business to the users created in step 2


ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [];

4. Conclusion

And that is all you need to Connect to Azure SQL using Active Directory and Grant Access outside Organization.