Consulting 101 – Never Burn a Bridge and saying Goodbye

Never Burn a Bridge and saying Goodbye

Everyone you meet and work with is a possible future client, coworker or friend. Keep this in mind as you wrap up client engagements. Even if a project was rocky or had you working long hours, be sure to leave on a good note with a good impression. When work pops up later, you want to be on the short list of people they call. It’s easy to give a bad client the bird as you walk out but that small moment of self-satisfaction is not worth the value of what may come later on. Your network is a spider’s web of potential. You never know who may know who or who went to school with someone else’s wife’s best friend that can lead to a project, job or opportunity ten years down the line.

Are you interested in starting a career in consulting? Be sure to read the full book Jack of all Trades Master of Some; An Introduction to Consulting available on Amazon.




