Consulting 101 – Onsite and Offsite Locations

Onsite and Offsite Locations

An Onsite location represents the actual location of the client or one of their offices. Work that needs to be completed onsite will have you traveling to the client’s onsite office where you will be set up with a desk or consulting pit to work from. Offsite locations represent any location where work can be completed away from a client’s location. This can be your firm’s office, your home or even a local coffee shop. Determining where you will work will usually be left to the client’s preference as some feel more comfortable with boots on the ground onsite, where others are more flexible or do not have work space and prefer you to work from your own location.

Are you interested in starting a career in consulting? Be sure to read the full book Jack of all Trades Master of Some; An Introduction to Consulting available on Amazon.




