Consulting 101 – The War Room/Consulting Pit

The War Room/Consulting Pit

When working onsite, some clients will set you up with your own cubicle workspace, but when teams are bigger or space is more limited, you will probably end up in what is called the war room or the consulting pit. This space is usually an unused conference room or open area with a few large tables where you and your team will be set up. Do not be shocked to find internet wires running wild, connected to routers strewn across the floor. I’ve been in consulting pits that range from 3 people in an old storage room of a manufacturing plant to a conference room with twelve people sitting shoulder to shoulder. This space also lends itself to a lot of good collaboration and ease of asking your fellow coworkers questions and helping to provide answers. Be aware and respectful of others, however, as frequent interruptions and constant talking may be a bother to them. Be mindful of the volume from multiple loud conversations since the conversation could bleed out to the hallways where other employees may be sitting. If you do need to have broader conversations, see if an executive assistant can help you find an unused conference room for thirty minutes to an hour where you can speak more freely.

Try to keep this space organized and clean. Remember, you are using borrowed space and are expected to respect it as you would your own home and office. Do not leave trash sitting around and also be sure to remove or shred any sensitive client data. This room can get very frustrating and uncomfortable at times but a lot of the nostalgic moments of your career will come from the hours spent in these consulting pits.

Are you interested in starting a career in consulting? Be sure do read the full book Jack of all Trades Master of Some; An Introduction to Consulting available on Amazon.




