Visual Studio Database projects to Deploy Azure Synapse Pool

Visual Studio Database projects to Deploy Azure Synapse Pool

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Now back to the article…

Get Visual Studio 2019

  1. Download and install Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition

b) Verify Data Storage and Processing and make sure all updates are up to date.

Create the database project

  1. Create a new project in Visual Studio
  • Create a new SQL Server Database project.
  • To add your first item, select from the new solution and select Add->New Item
  • From the list of items, select “Table (Data Warehouse) as this will allow for slightly different create table statements with columnstore indexes.
  • Add your code to the editor. Some items may still show an error but it will not be an issue. Save when ready.

Update the Target Platform

  1. Right click the solution and select properties
  • Set the Target Platform to Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse and save

Publishing Changes to Server

  1. Right click the project in solutions explorer and select “Publish”
  2. Select the Azure SQL Data warehouse as the target database platform and select “Publish”

Visual Studio Database projects to Deploy Azure Synapse Pool