Consulting Project Phases – Go Live and Deployment

Go Live and Deployment

Go live (also referred to as cut over or deployment) is the big show. This is where all the hard work of the project or phase is moved over into the production environment and when processes are implemented in the day to day for release. Go lives will be met with a very detailed and scripted deployment plan that will manage all people, processes and systems. There will be checkpoints and sign-offs as steps go live one after the other. The go live will function similarly to a NASA space shuttle launch. Different items will be greenlighted, kicking off the next set of dependencies until all boxes are checked and it is time for blast off. Even in non-technical projects, without an actual deployment, having people cut over to new ways of doing business must be met with similar diligence.

A good go live will always have a backup and contingency plan. Things can and will go wrong. Things that were missed in testing or new unexpected problems will arise. Go lives are usually met with the entire team standing on guard, watching, participating and testing diligently. There will be lots of hand-holding with the client to get them up and running. No matter how much documentation you have provided, an in-person helping hand will go a lot further. Be prepared to spend some late hours and travel some extra miles. Your reputation is very exposed at this time and the more seamless the transition to production, the better you will look for it.

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