Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Why People Hire Consultants. The Math.
Consultants can usually run a rate of anywhere in the range of one hundred to two hundred dollars an hour. Some larger firms in the “Big Four” can charge up to six hundred dollars an hour for senior resources. Multiply that by the average of forty hours a week and fifty or so weeks a…
Create or download free custom backgrounds to make your Power BI reports pop!
The difference between a good looking Power BI report and a great looking Power BI report is just a short extra mile using a custom background template. It is easy to create or download free custom backgrounds to make your Power BI reports pop!
Auto Spin up and Down Azure Virtual Machines (VM)
One of the best perks of moving your infrastructure to the cloud is the ability to only pay for the resources you use. When using Virtual Machines that usage can be even further limited to servers that stay on only when you need them (business hours or nightly data runs) and then shut down to…
Setup Python, Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks on Windows in 10 minutes
Are you interested in getting starting in learning Python. Here is a quick guide on getting your local environment setup with Python, Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks on Windows in 10 minutes
Yardi 6 to 7S Upgrade Checklist
As Yardi begins to ramp down their support for Voyager 6.0, there has never been a more critical time to upgrade to their current 7S environment. Here is our basic Yardi 6 to 7S Upgrade Checklist. An Upgrade may seem straight forward, there are some key critical considerations organizations must make to ensure the upgrade…
How to Build a MailChimp sign up form to send a free eBook
I wanted to provide people with a way to access my eBook on an Introduction to Consulting. Here is a quick guide on How to Build a MailChimp sign up form to send a free eBook to your subscribers.
Create a NodeJS Client Application to Submit Data to Event Hubs
Now that we have provisioned a Event Hub in Azure, let’s Create a NodeJS Client Application to Submit Data to Event Hubs. Prerequisites Visual Studio 2017 Install NodeJS SDK
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